Para hacerse socio, o abonar la cuota anual, basta con rellenar el cuestionario al final de esta página, y pagar la cuota correspondiente. La cuota para hacerse socio o de renovación será de 30€.
Con el pago de la cuota de socio tendrá acceso a todas las actividades que organice la sociedad, así como a contenido exclusivo y difusión en la red de eventos relacionados con los objetivos de SOFIC en 2024.
Para realizar el pago existen tres posibilidades:
Nº de cuenta bancaria de SOFiC: ES56 3183 4600 8730 9759 1428
To subscribe to SOFIC, you just have to fill out the form below and pay the annual corresponding fee. We consider as reference the solar year, between January and December, for each year. The fee is 30€ to become member or to renew the membership.
You will have access to all activities organized by the society, as well as to exclusive content and webcasting of events related to SOFiC's objectives in 2024.
There are three possible way to remit the fee to SOFIC.