What Contribution can a Christian Philosopher Make to Today's Society? |
This very question originated the Sociedad de Filósofos Cristianos (SOFIC) in the Community of Valencia in 2019 . This association today includes professors and Ph.D. students from different European universities: U. Autónoma de Madrid, U. Católica de Valencia, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, U. Pontificia, de Comillas, U. Francisco de Vitoria, Saint Louis University - Madrid campus. In addition, SOFIC welcomes thinkers from other countries such as Italy, Mexico and Chile. Founder and first president of this project is José Vte. Bonet, Professor at the Catholic University of Valencia. He was soon joined by Amerigo Barzaghi (Professor at Saint Louis University and researcher of the Hana and Francisco José Ayala Chair of Science, Technology and Religion), Enrique Bonete (University of Salamanca), David García-Ramos (Catholic University of Valencia), Juana Sánchez-Gey (Autonomous University of Madrid), and Jaime Vilarroig (CEU - Cardenal Herrera).
Calle Burriana, nº 26, puerta 12, 46005, Valencia